The tree is lit, the house is decorated and the presents are wrapped beneath the tree...well it is all supposed to be done, not here. As of last night Chad and I still have shopping to do and now every second counts. The lights at work aren't even up, and that means none at the house either. The wrapping table has yet to be put up and all the presents lie in a pile waiting to be decorated. All I can say is..."ahhhhh"!
I am no expert but I am pretty sure it is safe to say that we are far behind the curve. While shopping and searching for the perfect gift, it occurred to me that stress and anxiety are at the fore front of most shoppers. After all we set high hopes on ourselves and what others might think of our “oh so thought out gift”...or in some case the “not so well thought out”.
On the way home from shopping, till all hours of the night, it was a sight to be seen (no wonder Santa Claus likes to travel on Christmas Eve). The lights twinkled in the distant and in the pitch black of night the lit up homes on the mountain side look like hovering UFO's. While the lights are mesmerizing, it is all too obvious that time is ticking away until the big day.
And that’s when it hit me and I had to sit back and take a deep breath, remembering that the gifts aren't the reason for the season.
Now, I am not going to tell you what the meaning is or even attempt to pretend that I know what the season means to you. But I am going to tell you that little less means more to me than family. Just the small amount of time that we get to spend with each other means these days will be filled with dinners, games and of course the marathon that is our Christmas Day. Not to mention the day after Christmas Shopping Extravaganza.
I am lucky to have a close family and that we get to have everyone, well most everyone, home for Christmas. They come from all over California, Illinois, Idaho, Washington and Montana. But what is even more amazing is that both sides of the family gather around the same table for the feast.
Sure we all have our differences, but those get set aside whenever we are together to celebrate just that…being together. I often take this for granted because it comes naturally and it has been this way ever since I can remember. So when the stories of lonely holidays and family dramas are being told by friends or acquaintances, it makes me realize exactly how fortunate I actually am.
On Christmas night I usually reflect on the last day and a half of running around and think, “Next year we are going to Hawaii”. In theory it sounds great but the truth of the matter is, I couldn’t imagine missing the amazing time, memories and joy that Christmas brings from spending those days with my family.
I hope that this will find you in good health, joyous celebration and most of all having a wonderful Christmas, or whatever holiday you might be celebrating.
Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
On an Energy High
Over the last week Chad and I have been taking this product that my cousin Judy sells. The energy that we get from this stuff is amazing. I stay focused, feel balanced and most of all don't crash when it wears off. Why would I post about this, well after feeling the way we do, we decided to jump on the band wagon and sell the products too.
Now, I have always been skeptical about the businesses that use direct marketing strategies. In fact I would turn and walk away from anyone trying to involve me in one, but this one feels different and the energy surrounding this company and its products are good. Now I am not saying that I haven’t tried out other companies because I have, I have just never felt the motivation that I do now.
There are four item in this companies back pocket. Galaxy High Impact Juice Blend, The Energy Cup, INTENSE Anti-Aging Skin Care and ZING the natural alternative energy drink.
I’m sure by now many people have heard about juice blends made with superfruits, well hold on to your britches cuz one of the products from this company is 5 times, yup 5x more potent than any others on the market. It has not only Superfruits in it but it also has Superfoods. Look at these ingredients:
Acai, Pineapple, Red Grape, White Grape, Pomegranate, Red Raspberry, Acerola, Aroniaberry, Elderberry, Cranberry, Goji, Mangosteen.
SuperfoodsBarley, Acai Oil, Cayenne Pepper, Flaxseed, Buckwheat, Alpha Ingredients Sprouts, Lactobacillus, Soy Isoflavones, Garlic, Wheatgrass, Green Tea Extract, Garlic.
The wheatgrass alone is so beneficial for you. My brother swears by it. As a performer he is constantly trying to find remedies that will speed up a course of a cold. The second he feels a cold coming on he will run down to the nearest juice store and get a shot of wheatgrass. Have you ever tried wheatgrass, it is awful. You might as well just graze in a pasture with the cows. But with the Galaxy Juice you get your wheatgrass with the superfruits and you can’t even tell it is in there. Not to mention the benefits from Acai, Goji and Pomegranate. For fun Google: wheatgrass.
In a recent study by Dr. Gary Booth from BYU, he deemed Galaxy the number 1 juice to be drinking. Out of 30 juices on the market that promote health and wellness, he told a crowd of people that his family will be on Galaxy, period. He was NOT hired by anyone to say this or even conduct a study on JoyLife’s behalf. He also feels that the combinations of ingredients in this drink alone are “lethal to cancer cells”.
Acids are everywhere. They are in our foods, drinks and even water. With the body being largely made of water and the doctor telling you to drink eight 12oz of water a day, did you ever stop to think about the acid in water? Even in purified bottled water. The pH level in most bottled or taps water ranges from 3 to 4. Now you can go out and buy an expensive alkaline water machine that filters your tap water for thousands of dollars ($2,000-$5,000) and solve your problem. Or you can get this cup and achieve that same alkaline in 30 shakes. Why is alkaline water better for you? Here is a list of the benefits:
- Supports a healthy pH level within the bloodstream
- Effectively and deeply hydrates the body
- Promotes increased energy levels
- Supports balance and flexibility
- May reduce traces of lead, chlorine, and heavy metal ions
- Neutralizes free radicals, reduces oxidation, and diminishes signs of aging
- Supports immune health, digestion, metabolism, and brain functions
- Filters acidic waste and removes toxins from the body
- When used in cooking, decreases acidity of food and improves taste
- Enables nutrient absorption into the body
You know those balance bracelets you see on TV or in the mall? You can get the same benefits from drinking the water from this cup as well as just having it around you. It grounds you and increases your energy levels. Oh and btw…it is only $100 retail, if you are interested in becoming a distributor, you get an even better price.
ZING Energy Drink
This and the Energy Cup is what sold us on the company. This drink is all natural, caffeine free and tastes like a Jolly Rancher. When it comes to being picky, I am pretty darn close to taking the cake. If it doesn’t taste good I will throw it out after one sip. You only need ¾ of a cup and you will be going for 5 hours with no crash at the end. I stay alert, focused and energized for whatever comes my way. In each container there are 80 servings and it cheaper than going down to the convenient store and buying a Red Bull or Rockstar.
INTENSE Anti-Aging Skin Care
I have yet to try this product but from what I have read and what Judy has experienced this is as good if not better then the leading brands sold in spas across the country. Made from Aloe, Grape Seed Oil, Retinyl and Glycolic Acid, it will revitalize, restore and renew your skin. After 2 weeks Judy noticed some changes and by the third weeks she said that her skin is getting smoother and softer.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Who thinks that the word "Change" has been over used in our society lately? And I'm not just talking politics, but Facebook, technology, fashion, jobs and the rattle in your pocket. "Save your change", "Change your clothes" or "Damn you FB, why did you change again".
I am well aware that change is eminent, but why is it changing so fast? Before you know it we will be setting our clocks back an hour and the color on the trees will be changing. Don't get me wrong there are many things that need to change in our world and change can be a good thing.
In technology it is one change after another. I mean, you can barely get the hang of one thing before there is an update, a bigger and better, or newer and lighter version of something. Phones, computers, mp3 players, applications, software and the list goes on and on. Who can keep up? Just the other day, Facebook brought out its update and people do not care for it. I don’t mind it, there are some cool features, but why the constant change? The answer is simple to keep up with competitors…or in some cases catch up.
Fashion is another big industry that is constantly on the move. Colors and style are here one minute and out the next. If you can’t afford to regularly change your wardrobe at least black and white are always in.
How about the jingle in your pocket? Now that change is a good thing, even though it may weigh you down and annoy you while you are walking. I can tell you where my change goes, right into the jar set on my night stand. And it has gotten to the point where if something rings up at $.99, I will wait for the cashier to hand me that penny. Why? As my Grandpa Shonk would say “those pennies add up”.
Although I don’t want to go into depth on this subject, Jobs seem to be changing rapidly too. In the case for many people it is not a good thing. Layoffs and salary reductions are all too familiar with many people in today’s work force. Jobs are harder and harder to find.
But it is time for a different word. For the time being let's refer to change as "that" or "it".
Change: Verb
1) to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.
2) to become different: Overnight the nation's mood changed
There are many different ways to use that word. How about substitutes for this word:
Transmute, transform, mutate, amend, modify, alter, replace, trade, convert, vary, amend, transmutation, mutation, conversion, exchange, replacement. Money terms; coins, currency, cash, funds.
I like some of the alternatives. Mutation that is fun, but then again that brings us to vampires, werewolves and x-men. Amend is another good word, however that should be used for government officials. Convert, well let’s not go there because although it can mean; convert wind into energy, it can have a negative meaning like; converting someone over.
So how do we apply these to the prior ranting? I am going to pick one word for each of them.
My choice for technology? That is an easy one: Modify. In the world of updates, sometimes it is just something minuet. Where change can sometime seem drastic, modify seems to be slightly different.
Fashion? Alter, after all alterations are often done to clothes.
Pocket Change is now going to be referred to as fund. I know that in our house the change in the cup goes to a trip fund or play money.
Jobs, that is a tricky one. If you are in between jobs I guess we can go with transform. In a way you have had to transform how you live and maybe a new job will transform your life.
As for that word, it can be promised to you by politicians, pushed on to you by technology, dress you differently, weigh you down or even put a cramp in your lifestyle but it will not stay around for long, because life is ever changing. But for now it is getting a makeover in my book.
I am well aware that change is eminent, but why is it changing so fast? Before you know it we will be setting our clocks back an hour and the color on the trees will be changing. Don't get me wrong there are many things that need to change in our world and change can be a good thing.
In technology it is one change after another. I mean, you can barely get the hang of one thing before there is an update, a bigger and better, or newer and lighter version of something. Phones, computers, mp3 players, applications, software and the list goes on and on. Who can keep up? Just the other day, Facebook brought out its update and people do not care for it. I don’t mind it, there are some cool features, but why the constant change? The answer is simple to keep up with competitors…or in some cases catch up.
Fashion is another big industry that is constantly on the move. Colors and style are here one minute and out the next. If you can’t afford to regularly change your wardrobe at least black and white are always in.
How about the jingle in your pocket? Now that change is a good thing, even though it may weigh you down and annoy you while you are walking. I can tell you where my change goes, right into the jar set on my night stand. And it has gotten to the point where if something rings up at $.99, I will wait for the cashier to hand me that penny. Why? As my Grandpa Shonk would say “those pennies add up”.
Although I don’t want to go into depth on this subject, Jobs seem to be changing rapidly too. In the case for many people it is not a good thing. Layoffs and salary reductions are all too familiar with many people in today’s work force. Jobs are harder and harder to find.
But it is time for a different word. For the time being let's refer to change as "that" or "it".
Change: Verb
1) to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.
2) to become different: Overnight the nation's mood changed
There are many different ways to use that word. How about substitutes for this word:
Transmute, transform, mutate, amend, modify, alter, replace, trade, convert, vary, amend, transmutation, mutation, conversion, exchange, replacement. Money terms; coins, currency, cash, funds.
I like some of the alternatives. Mutation that is fun, but then again that brings us to vampires, werewolves and x-men. Amend is another good word, however that should be used for government officials. Convert, well let’s not go there because although it can mean; convert wind into energy, it can have a negative meaning like; converting someone over.
So how do we apply these to the prior ranting? I am going to pick one word for each of them.
My choice for technology? That is an easy one: Modify. In the world of updates, sometimes it is just something minuet. Where change can sometime seem drastic, modify seems to be slightly different.
Fashion? Alter, after all alterations are often done to clothes.
Pocket Change is now going to be referred to as fund. I know that in our house the change in the cup goes to a trip fund or play money.
Jobs, that is a tricky one. If you are in between jobs I guess we can go with transform. In a way you have had to transform how you live and maybe a new job will transform your life.
As for that word, it can be promised to you by politicians, pushed on to you by technology, dress you differently, weigh you down or even put a cramp in your lifestyle but it will not stay around for long, because life is ever changing. But for now it is getting a makeover in my book.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Tony's I know that it has been two weeks since The Tony Awards aired on CBS but I have to say that these were the best Tony's I have seen for a long time. From Opening to End Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) was amazing and when he and Hugh Jackman dueled it else can I put it but EPIC!.
So let's "start at the very beginning, a very good place to start". All I have to say is that I think I watch the opening number daily because it brings a smile to my face, even with Brooke Shields major flub up (almost makes it better).
Book of Mormon was the big winner of the night with 9 Awards (out of 14 nominations) and the performance by Andrew Rannells was outstanding. Best line in the song "I Believe that in 1978 good changed his mind about black people" or another great contender "I Believer that involves me getting my own planet".
Harry Potter? No Tony Nomination? What? Yeah, if you saw his performance on the Tony's I am sure you were asking that same question. He did deserve a nod. Here's my theory on why he didn't...even though I have only seen his Tony performance. Last year the Tony's went to Hollywood, and although these actors deserved their awards (on most occasions), the New York actors and theatre actors viewed this a publicity stunt and kind of a slap in the face. With production cost going through the roof you can't blame producers and directors for going after the names to get people in the theatre but I tend to agree with the NY actors.
Nikki M. James took home the trophy for her performance as a featured Actress in a Musical for The Book of Mormon and I loved how surprised she was to win. She was up against 3 Tony winning actresses including Patti LuPone, Laura Benanti and Victoria Clark.
In one category that BofM didn't take, Broadway Vet Norbert Leo Butz took...Best Actor in a Musical. I have heard so-so reviews about Catch Me If You Can and I have to say I was a little bit surprised that he took home this award. But I do have to say that this journey for him has been a though one. When previewing Catch Me If You Can in Seattle his sister was brutally murdered, he even acknowledged her in his acceptance speech.
Best Revival of a Musical went to Anything Goes. As well did Best Choreography and Best Actress (get to her in a bit). At the Tony party I was at we had to re-watch this amazing number. Makes me want to put on my tapping shoes and...well TAP.
This brings me to the one, the only, SUTTON FOSTER! What can I say if there were such a thing as a quadruple threat she would be it. She looked fabulous, preformed flawlessly and she seems so down to earth. You can tell she loves her job and it shows. Five Nominations and two wins, we can expect many more great things from the Princess of Broadway.
So let's "start at the very beginning, a very good place to start". All I have to say is that I think I watch the opening number daily because it brings a smile to my face, even with Brooke Shields major flub up (almost makes it better).
Book of Mormon was the big winner of the night with 9 Awards (out of 14 nominations) and the performance by Andrew Rannells was outstanding. Best line in the song "I Believe that in 1978 good changed his mind about black people" or another great contender "I Believer that involves me getting my own planet".
Harry Potter? No Tony Nomination? What? Yeah, if you saw his performance on the Tony's I am sure you were asking that same question. He did deserve a nod. Here's my theory on why he didn't...even though I have only seen his Tony performance. Last year the Tony's went to Hollywood, and although these actors deserved their awards (on most occasions), the New York actors and theatre actors viewed this a publicity stunt and kind of a slap in the face. With production cost going through the roof you can't blame producers and directors for going after the names to get people in the theatre but I tend to agree with the NY actors.
Nikki M. James took home the trophy for her performance as a featured Actress in a Musical for The Book of Mormon and I loved how surprised she was to win. She was up against 3 Tony winning actresses including Patti LuPone, Laura Benanti and Victoria Clark.
In one category that BofM didn't take, Broadway Vet Norbert Leo Butz took...Best Actor in a Musical. I have heard so-so reviews about Catch Me If You Can and I have to say I was a little bit surprised that he took home this award. But I do have to say that this journey for him has been a though one. When previewing Catch Me If You Can in Seattle his sister was brutally murdered, he even acknowledged her in his acceptance speech.
Best Revival of a Musical went to Anything Goes. As well did Best Choreography and Best Actress (get to her in a bit). At the Tony party I was at we had to re-watch this amazing number. Makes me want to put on my tapping shoes and...well TAP.
This brings me to the one, the only, SUTTON FOSTER! What can I say if there were such a thing as a quadruple threat she would be it. She looked fabulous, preformed flawlessly and she seems so down to earth. You can tell she loves her job and it shows. Five Nominations and two wins, we can expect many more great things from the Princess of Broadway.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Fair Weather...
Sometimes you have to sit back and reflect on all goings on in your life. This last week has been one of those times and as I write this I tend to think that there is more to come in the next few days. I've titled this blog "Fair Weather..." because it can apply to many things. The weather being fair, friends that are stormy weather friends and even personal gripes I have with myself.
Let's start with the weather...or the lack there of. When will we see the sun? Although I have joked on many occasions that if I were a mythical creature I would be a vampire. I think I am having cold feet (pun intended). I am in need of some serious sun. Even the other day my mom commented on how white I looked. A vacation to someplace tropical and sunny is in order for my sanity, I might even miss the returning flight on purpose.
Looking in to the forecast this coming weekend it looks like more rain, possibly in the mid 70's...but I am not going to count on that, at least there is supposed to be some thunder and lightning. Weather has always had an effect on me and I do believe that when stars align and cosmos collide that weird things (good and/or bad) happen. I never know when these sorts of things occur until someone enlightens me during one or life falls back in to step.
With this forecast of angry clouds and Zues throwing lightning bolst, I have to wonder if I am not the only one going through a period of contemplation. Questioning my every step, certain friendships and what to expect or not expect from them. As awful as this may sound, some friendships are like the weather. Ever changing and unpredictable. As are my own moods. Isn't it true that we should take personal responsibilities for our actions?
I tend to think yes, but then again we are a society of technology and social networking. Friendship is almost a full time job now. Texting, Facebook, Twittering and god knows what is next, have done a number on communications. Granted I will be the first to admit that I am just as guilty as the next person. I constantly have my little black device in hand while I have a second to check it, which then in turn turns into several minutes. And I will also say that there are many good things about them all...well maybe excluding twitter, I just don't get it.
Texting is a wonderful invention. I can text someone and not feel like I am interrupting them and they respond when they can. Here is where the double edge sword comes in...dun dun dun da. What happened to a polite ending to a conversation? I get really annoyed when I'm having a conversation with someone and all of the sudden the texts stop. It may not be an important discussion but at least have the courtesy of saying "gotta run" or "be back in a bit". And then you have to ask yourself, what does that say about that friendship?
Does it mean that something more important has come up? An emergency has happened? A better conversation is taking place? A better opportunity has presented its self? Yes, I know that people get busy, work, a phone call and even GLEE has just started but let me know. It can be compared to leaving a high five un-high fived. Again, I am guilty of these things. But I am going to work on them and now that I understand that these things bother me, I will be more aware of them.
One excuse that is completely unacceptable to me is “I’m tired”…well shut the front door, so am I. I make every effort, no matter how tired I am. Again this tells me “I’m not interesting in being around/talking to you” or “something better has presented its self”. I also feel that you can only try so hard and then the ball is in someone else’s court. If you only come around when you need something then once more, what does that say about a friendship?
Facebook. I am fully aware that when I post something on my page that it is there for everyone to see. However why should I have to be concerned about what people will think of me or my life? To steal an amazing song title…”I Am What I Am” (If you don’t know this song, find and listen to it. I recommend Douglas Hodges’ version). I also find that when someone posts something I don’t agree with, I bite my tongue. After all it is their opinion, as this is mine.
How to end this blog has got me stumped. Usually I try to end with something whitty or a moral of the story is…but I got nothing. So I will leave you with this thought.
A friendship is like a job, you have to work at them. But remember it goes both ways. A true friend is someone that come rain or sunshine, no matter the distance or the length of time between visits, will be there for you…unconditionally.
Let's start with the weather...or the lack there of. When will we see the sun? Although I have joked on many occasions that if I were a mythical creature I would be a vampire. I think I am having cold feet (pun intended). I am in need of some serious sun. Even the other day my mom commented on how white I looked. A vacation to someplace tropical and sunny is in order for my sanity, I might even miss the returning flight on purpose.
Looking in to the forecast this coming weekend it looks like more rain, possibly in the mid 70's...but I am not going to count on that, at least there is supposed to be some thunder and lightning. Weather has always had an effect on me and I do believe that when stars align and cosmos collide that weird things (good and/or bad) happen. I never know when these sorts of things occur until someone enlightens me during one or life falls back in to step.
With this forecast of angry clouds and Zues throwing lightning bolst, I have to wonder if I am not the only one going through a period of contemplation. Questioning my every step, certain friendships and what to expect or not expect from them. As awful as this may sound, some friendships are like the weather. Ever changing and unpredictable. As are my own moods. Isn't it true that we should take personal responsibilities for our actions?
I tend to think yes, but then again we are a society of technology and social networking. Friendship is almost a full time job now. Texting, Facebook, Twittering and god knows what is next, have done a number on communications. Granted I will be the first to admit that I am just as guilty as the next person. I constantly have my little black device in hand while I have a second to check it, which then in turn turns into several minutes. And I will also say that there are many good things about them all...well maybe excluding twitter, I just don't get it.
Texting is a wonderful invention. I can text someone and not feel like I am interrupting them and they respond when they can. Here is where the double edge sword comes in...dun dun dun da. What happened to a polite ending to a conversation? I get really annoyed when I'm having a conversation with someone and all of the sudden the texts stop. It may not be an important discussion but at least have the courtesy of saying "gotta run" or "be back in a bit". And then you have to ask yourself, what does that say about that friendship?
Does it mean that something more important has come up? An emergency has happened? A better conversation is taking place? A better opportunity has presented its self? Yes, I know that people get busy, work, a phone call and even GLEE has just started but let me know. It can be compared to leaving a high five un-high fived. Again, I am guilty of these things. But I am going to work on them and now that I understand that these things bother me, I will be more aware of them.
One excuse that is completely unacceptable to me is “I’m tired”…well shut the front door, so am I. I make every effort, no matter how tired I am. Again this tells me “I’m not interesting in being around/talking to you” or “something better has presented its self”. I also feel that you can only try so hard and then the ball is in someone else’s court. If you only come around when you need something then once more, what does that say about a friendship?
Facebook. I am fully aware that when I post something on my page that it is there for everyone to see. However why should I have to be concerned about what people will think of me or my life? To steal an amazing song title…”I Am What I Am” (If you don’t know this song, find and listen to it. I recommend Douglas Hodges’ version). I also find that when someone posts something I don’t agree with, I bite my tongue. After all it is their opinion, as this is mine.
How to end this blog has got me stumped. Usually I try to end with something whitty or a moral of the story is…but I got nothing. So I will leave you with this thought.
A friendship is like a job, you have to work at them. But remember it goes both ways. A true friend is someone that come rain or sunshine, no matter the distance or the length of time between visits, will be there for you…unconditionally.
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