Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fair Weather...

Sometimes you have to sit back and reflect on all goings on in your life.  This last week has been one of those times and as I write this I tend to think that there is more to come in the next few days.  I've titled this blog "Fair Weather..." because it can apply to many things. The weather being fair, friends that are stormy weather friends and even personal gripes I have with myself.

Let's start with the weather...or the lack there of.  When will we see the sun?  Although I have joked on many occasions that if I were a mythical creature I would be a vampire. I think I am having cold feet (pun intended).  I am in need of some serious sun.  Even the other day my mom commented on how white I looked.  A vacation to someplace tropical and sunny is in order for my sanity, I might even miss the returning flight on purpose. 

Looking in to the forecast this coming weekend it looks like more rain, possibly in the mid 70's...but I am not going to count on that, at least there is supposed to be some thunder and lightning. Weather has always had an effect on me and I do believe that when stars align and cosmos collide that weird things (good and/or bad) happen.  I never know when these sorts of things occur until someone enlightens me during one or life falls back in to step.

With this forecast of angry clouds and Zues throwing lightning bolst, I have to wonder if I am not the only one going through a period of contemplation. Questioning my every step, certain friendships and what to expect or not expect from them. As awful as this may sound, some friendships are like the weather. Ever changing and unpredictable.  As are my own moods. Isn't it true that we should take personal responsibilities for our actions?

I tend to think yes, but then again we are a society of technology and social networking.  Friendship is almost a full time job now. Texting, Facebook, Twittering and god knows what is next, have done a number on communications.  Granted I will be the first to admit that I am just as guilty as the next person.  I constantly have my little black device in hand while I have a second to check it, which then in turn turns into several minutes.  And I will also say that there are many good things about them all...well maybe excluding twitter, I just don't get it.

Texting is a wonderful invention.  I can text someone and not feel like I am interrupting them and they respond when they can.  Here is where the double edge sword comes in...dun dun dun da. What happened to a polite ending to a conversation?  I get really annoyed when I'm having a conversation with someone and all of the sudden the texts stop.  It may not be an important discussion but at least have the courtesy of saying "gotta run" or "be back in a bit".  And then you have to ask yourself, what does that say about that friendship?

Does it mean that something more important has come up? An emergency has happened? A better conversation is taking place? A better opportunity has presented its self? Yes, I know that people get busy, work, a phone call and even GLEE has just started but let me know.  It can be compared to leaving a high five un-high fived.  Again, I am guilty of these things.  But I am going to work on them and now that I understand that these things bother me, I will be more aware of them.

One excuse that is completely unacceptable to me is “I’m tired”…well shut the front door, so am I.  I make every effort, no matter how tired I am.  Again this tells me “I’m not interesting in being around/talking to you” or “something better has presented its self”.  I also feel that you can only try so hard and then the ball is in someone else’s court. If you only come around when you need something then once more, what does that say about a friendship?

Facebook.  I am fully aware that when I post something on my page that it is there for everyone to see.  However why should I have to be concerned about what people will think of me or my life?  To steal an amazing song title…”I Am What I Am” (If you don’t know this song, find and listen to it. I recommend Douglas Hodges’ version).  I also find that when someone posts something I don’t agree with, I bite my tongue.  After all it is their opinion, as this is mine.

How to end this blog has got me stumped.  Usually I try to end with something whitty or a moral of the story is…but I got nothing.  So I will leave you with this thought.

A friendship is like a job, you have to work at them. But remember it goes both ways.  A true friend is someone that come rain or sunshine, no matter the distance or the length of time between visits, will be there for you…unconditionally.

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