Saturday, September 24, 2011


Who thinks that the word "Change" has been over used in our society lately? And I'm not just talking politics, but Facebook, technology, fashion, jobs and the rattle in your pocket. "Save your change", "Change your clothes" or "Damn you FB, why did you change again".

I am well aware that change is eminent, but why is it changing so fast? Before you know it we will be setting our clocks back an hour and the color on the trees will be changing.  Don't get me wrong there are many things that need to change in our world and change can be a good thing.

In technology it is one change after another.  I mean, you can barely get the hang of one thing before there is an update, a bigger and better, or newer and lighter version of something. Phones, computers, mp3 players, applications, software and the list goes on and on.  Who can keep up? Just the other day, Facebook brought out its update and people do not care for it.  I don’t mind it, there are some cool features, but why the constant change? The answer is simple to keep up with competitors…or in some cases catch up.  

Fashion is another big industry that is constantly on the move. Colors and style are here one minute and out the next.  If you can’t afford to regularly change your wardrobe at least black and white are always in.

How about the jingle in your pocket?  Now that change is a good thing, even though it may weigh you down and annoy you while you are walking.  I can tell you where my change goes, right into the jar set on my night stand.  And it has gotten to the point where if something rings up at $.99, I will wait for the cashier to hand me that penny. Why? As my Grandpa Shonk would say “those pennies add up”.

Although I don’t want to go into depth on this subject, Jobs seem to be changing rapidly too. In the case for many people it is not a good thing. Layoffs and salary reductions are all too familiar with many people in today’s work force. Jobs are harder and harder to find.

 But it is time for a different word. For the time being let's refer to change as "that" or "it".

Change: Verb
1) to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.

2) to become different: Overnight the nation's mood changed

There are many different ways to use that word. How about substitutes for this word:

Transmute, transform, mutate, amend, modify, alter, replace, trade, convert, vary, amend, transmutation, mutation, conversion, exchange, replacement. Money terms; coins, currency, cash, funds. 

I like some of the alternatives. Mutation that is fun, but then again that brings us to vampires, werewolves and x-men. Amend is another good word, however that should be used for government officials. Convert, well let’s not go there because although it can mean; convert wind into energy, it can have a negative meaning like; converting someone over.

So how do we apply these to the prior ranting? I am going to pick one word for each of them.

My choice for technology? That is an easy one: Modify. In the world of updates, sometimes it is just something minuet.  Where change can sometime seem drastic, modify seems to be slightly different.

Fashion? Alter, after all alterations are often done to clothes.

Pocket Change is now going to be referred to as fund. I know that in our house the change in the cup goes to a trip fund or play money.

Jobs, that is a tricky one.  If you are in between jobs I guess we can go with transform. In a way you have had to transform how you live and maybe a new job will transform your life.

As for that word, it can be promised to you by politicians, pushed on to you by technology, dress you differently, weigh you down or even put a cramp in your lifestyle but it will not stay around for long, because life is ever changing. But for now it is getting a makeover in my book. 

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